New York ComicCon 2012 and San Diego ComicCon 2013 had a certain exclusive item for sale, as conventions always do. This was around the time I was first truly becoming a Raccoonatic and this particular item was one I really wanted. A coffee mug with art by Joe Quesada that was later used for a variant cover of Guardians of the Galaxy. I was not really following NYCC '12 but, when I found out they were selling them at SDCC '13, which I could not attend, I hoped I could find a way to acquire one. I had a couple leads, one involved having Agent M ask then-Gazillion employee Stephen "Rockjaw" Reid in an interview to nab me the one of the merch table in the interview area. Another lead involved a guildie, and is, long story, why I started using my now-standard "Cosmic greetings!". Neither lead panned out and the mugs were a no show at NYCC 2013 (which I also didn't attend). They went up in price on Ebay to hundreds! But now there is good turn to this story, this quest, for me, and all the Raccoonatics out there...
Marvel has started selling the mug on their online store! Just 15 dollars! And, even crazier, I find this out in a Marvel Heroes forum message from
Onoroian (the awesome friend who bought me a NYCC Rocket plushie). And I find it out because he tells me he has shipped me one! (he still had my address from the plushie).
Even if you do not have a great friend like that... you can get a mug for yourself at
http://www.marvelstore.com/guardians-of-the-galaxy-rocket-raccoon-mug/mp/13879/0/And tell 'em the Raccoonatic Commander sent ya. (Ok, no way to actually do that. Just go buy one, Raccoonatics!)